Thursday, October 4, 2012

We Are All Stardust. Today, I read an article about a woman, Kimberly Woodbury, who believed that we are all stardust. Her speech is extremely spiritual, and maybe that's one reason why this particular speech doesn't speak to me. I expected the article to lean on the more scientific side than the spiritual side. In Woodbury's speech, she says, "I believe that I will, during my lifetime, inhale seven of the very same molecules of air that were exhaled by the incarnate Christ. I believe this because I did the math. I really did." This particular quote spoke to me in a negative way. I thought it was very strange. I wonder how she came to do the math of how she was going to breath in seven molecules of Christ's breath. I, myself, absolutely cannot relate to this at all. Like, honestly.. What the fuck. Do you really want to breathe in Christ's exhaled molecules? I don't really want to think about inhaling anyone's molecules. Maybe this essay simply didn't speak to me because I'm an atheist but… There are still some Christian stories that I can relate to, specifically ones about good and evil, and happiness. I have trouble relating to this because she referred to her God as a photon… All I could think was "Uhhh… Wut?" In her article, she mixes her religion and chemistry together, which are two things that kind of throw me off when put together. Religion and science for me, are two things that I don't like to put together. In my opinion, there isn't very much science to religion, and there's absolutely no religion to science. I believe that there is no science involved with the spiritual things that happen in religious happenings. From what I've learned throughout my life about Christianity, there is nothing scientific to the religion. Then again, her religion isn't really Christianity, but that was the most relatable religion I could think of. Anyway.. She also refers to the beginning of the universe to God's great cataclysm, which is different from what I believe, which is the big bang theory. I guess I just have a hard time relating to people who's beliefs are shaped in such a concrete way, where there is no margin for swaying their opinion, but I guess that's what religion is about. Anyway, I guess I was babbling this whole time, but I found it kind of difficult to find an article that I really didn't care for. I think this one did the job though, even though I bashed her the whole time in a way.

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