Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Question: Is reality TV making America apathetic? My answer: Completely. I think Mitch Albom has connected reality TV with Tony Scotts death for a few reasons. I think he was making a point of how society in America views outrageous events. We have become "infatuated with outlandishness" and "we don't do, we watch." I think that these statements are totally, and completely true about our society today. Instead of mourning the death of a  director, we simple put his suicide on youtube, for the world to see and we watch it over and over again. I think that's quite mocking, don't you? If someone I was close to committed suicide, I would be horrified to know that I could watch it whenever I please. The most gruesome things can be found on the internet; with the combination of reality TV and the internet, American society has transformed into a place where people don't blink an eye. It seems that American society today is insensitive to everything now-a-days. We can get over tragic events quickly, and it seems like no one is every really surprised when something bad happens. I know it sounds horrible, but for example, I've already forgotten about the Colorado theater shooting. It didn't affect me much when I first heard about what had happened. It was sad, but I was hardly shocked. I'm just apart of the fucked up society that is America. I guess maybe because news travels more quickly than ever in history, we become apathetic to tragic events because we've seen it before, and we'll most likely see it again. Sooner probably than later. Maybe society now has become apathetic to tragic events because we feel that we must put a shell around us, and put a veil over our eyes, ignore what happened, and return to our lives as if nothing has happened.

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