Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Name: Chloe Fields Section: 17

Title of Speech:

I. Attention Catcher: We all love to read. You think you don't? Ha, well let me elaborate.

II. Listener Relevance Link: We read daily. If you didn't know how to read, you wouldn't be sitting here right now.

III. Speaker Credibility: How do I know that we all love to read? Well… We love being informed by the daily things that get us around in life, but not only that, all of us enjoy reading for pleasure. It might not be in the same form, some of us like to read our friends/favorite celebs tweets, some of us like to read subtitles in a foreign language movie, and some of us like to read books for pleasure. I would include myself in all 3 of those categories. I love to read. I read every day. Basically every time my eyes are open I'm reading something or another.

IV. Thesis: Although, I enjoy reading in every form, (except for long boring fourteen page articles in which I'm not the intended audience)… I especially love to read for pleasure. Mainly books, and mainly fictional books. I love to read books. However, I absolutely hate carrying around books. I refuse to bring a book anywhere with me, because it just ends up being too heavy, and becomes a giant pain in my ass. So this is when I introduce you to my secret lover. My Kindle.

V. Preview: I love my Kindle for various reasons. Let me elaborate in as much detail as why I cannot live without this piece of machinery.


Listener Relevance Link: Why would you want to spend money on an electronic device to read...? Well, you have to particularly enjoy reading books for pleasure. But other than that, why else would a broke college student want to buy something that may seem frivolous?

I. So, whats so great about a Kindle?
A. It's paperless.
1. Save the environment!
2. Save your energy you would have spent lugging a couple books around!
B. It's extremely portable.
1. All you gotta do is slip it into your purse, or your backpack.
2. So much better than carrying a book around.
3. Looks just like a book would on the inside, meaning, the picture is nice and crisp. The Kindle uses "e-ink" technology, which makes the display on a Kindle look just like a book.
4. It's very lightweight.
C. The device is relatively expensive.

Transition: Sounds more convenient, but...

II. Why choose a Kindle over a real book?

Listener Relevance Link: Let's face it: carrying books around sucks. Most of us carry books around to and from class. It sucks.

A. A Kindle provides you with effortless reading.
1. The device is extremely lightweight.
2. You can hold about 2,000 books on your Kindle. Can you imagine carrying 2,000 books around with you at all times? No. Not likely.
3. Not only is it light weight, but the print is also just as crisp, if not crisper than an actual books print. Super clear, and easy to read.

B. Hey, buying books on your Kindle is actually cheaper than buying hardback books, and also buying paperbacks!
1. Not only are the books cheaper, but most newer Kindles come equipped with 3G built in, for no cost except for the initial price of the Kindle! Well, what does this mean? It means you can buy books anywhere you can get service, which is basically anywhere that you're going to be around town… Instant books in your hands.

C. Maybe you forgot your glasses at home, and they help you read better. Well, on your Kindle, you can adjust not only the font, but also the size of the font. Small print be gone!

Transition: Alright, so you know a little bit of why economically and physically you might want to switch to a Kindle, but thats not enough to get you over the hump.

III. What else can a Kindle do?

Listener Relevance Link: So, you know abouta few of the handy features on a Kindle, but you're still not buying. There are certain things in a real book, that you think you may not be able to do with a Kindle. You might have thought wrong.

A. With the original Kindle e-reader (not the Kindle tablets available), there are plenty of reading needs that my Kindle satisfies that you might not have expected.
1. You can read books. Yes. True. And?
  • You can highlight.
  • Get instant dictionary definitions
  • Bookmark pages
  • Your Kindle can also sync what page you're on, and the above bullets, to any other device using the Kindle app.
B. The Kindle also comes equipped with a battery life that will last up to two months, depending on if you're using wi-fi or 3G, and how much you read. I find myself that my battery life lasts way too long for me to track.

IIII. So, what are some other perks of using a Kindle?

Listener Relevance Link: I personally hate calling, and dealing with customer service representatives. The machines they use are frustrating, and the process takes forever. So who provides the Kindle, and why are they worth your time?

A. Amazon. That's it.
1. Amazon has incredible customer service.
2. Living in Lexington, you tend to get Kindle's, and Kindle related accessories extremely quickly. 
3. Amazon has provided Kindle users with a huge book store, loaded with over a million books.
4. Kindles aren't made to be the sturdiest thing on Earth, so if your Kindle breaks within the first year, (mine did about 2 times), they will replace it. Basically no questions asked. Awesome.

Transition: Alright, so now you know why I need my Kindle in my life. It's extremely convenient to carry on the go, I love to read, and it's an amazing product.

I. Restatement of Thesis: My Kindle isn't so much of a secret love now, I've shared why I love it, and why you should get one as well. I hate carrying books. In fact, I like to carry as little as possible, but having a book around is a really great thing when you want to pass some time.

II. Summary of Main Points: Why is a Kindle so great? It opens up opportunities for you to read on the go, or at home, comfortably. It leads you into a world of books, without the inconvenience of not being able to take a couple hundred books around with you, and without the high price tag on normal, printed books.

III. Clincher: Hopefully now, you may understand why I always carry my Kindle with me, and why I cannot live without it.

My sources either came from my personal knowledge and experience using a Kindle, or from http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007OZNZG0/ref=sv_kstore_0.

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