Shooting Script:
As I'm looking at my calendar, I think I might start shooting next Monday. I have definitely 2 maybe 3 possible subjects so far that I know of that I'm going to shoot. It's kind of a challenge to find people to shoot since my topic is based on thinspiration on Pinterest associated with eating disorders. However, my subjects don't exactly use Pinterest as their main outlet for thinspiration. My oldest subject used thinspiration back when myspace was big. My two other subjects mostly use Tumblr. Although they don't really use Pinterest as their main outlet, they do know that Pinterest does inspire thinspiration and I want to use them mostly to talk about how thinspiration affects/has affected them in their lives. I also want them to explain what it is and how they use it. I do have a few questions, but they're mostly just backups when I there might be a moment when they are done talking and I don't have anything to come up with.
My main subject and my one possible other subject I'm planning on filming week or next thanksgiving week. It depends on their work schedules. I want to try to check out the camera once, but since I want to film over thanksgiving, I might have to check it out twice. Since I have my meeting with you on Wednesday 11/14 I think I'm going to try to film my filler shots and at least one interview. My third subject lives in South Carolina right now so I'm planning on trying to film her during Thanksgiving break.
Other than the filming schedule, here are some of the questions I plan on asking:
- When did your eating disorder start?
- What triggered your eating disorder?
- How did the internet/Pinterest enable your eating disorder?
- What were thoughts you had during the worst part of your ED?
- How did you come to find out about thinspiration?
- Did you keep it a secret?
- Were you able to get help?
I know it was said to try and make my subjects feel comfortable so I'm thinking about filming them at one of the subjects home. Two of them live in the same house and the third I think will be okay with the location. This is subject to change of course.